Thursday, June 17, 2010

My cat just ate a hair band. How long will it take to digest. Is it bad?

I dont think its that bad. my cat ate things before and was fine (except i found poop on a rope in the litter box the next day EWW) but if youre not sure, call the vet

My cat just ate a hair band. How long will it take to digest. Is it bad?

Depends on how big. I am guessing it is just a little one, so it should digest without issue. You should know when you clean the litter box!

My cat just ate a hair band. How long will it take to digest. Is it bad?

Hair band or hair elastic?

Big difference in size.

If a hair tie elastic, kitty should be fine,.. will be expelled with next poopy.

My cat just ate a hair band. How long will it take to digest. Is it bad?

Not a problem, check the litter box.One of my cats every Christmas eats the stencil from the tree I think it likes decorate the box fore the holidays. Love em and give em treats Good luck

My cat just ate a hair band. How long will it take to digest. Is it bad?

if cat becomes ill not eating take vets incase lodgged in throat,she might just be sick soon

My cat just ate a hair band. How long will it take to digest. Is it bad?

I am guessing you don't want it back but are just concerned for your cat. If the elastic doesn't have any metal parts to it then it should be fine. If it does the only concern would be if the metal part is sharp and it gets stuck or damages an internal organ. If so you should take your cat to get an xray at the vet, if not then go shopping for another elastic tomorrow and let the cat digest it in its own time. ou are worried as you know your cat has swallowed this but i bet there are other times your cat swallows things that you don't know about.

My cat just ate a hair band. How long will it take to digest. Is it bad?

Keep and eye on the litter box, but also on the cat. If he starts to act sick (not eating, hiding, etc.) the hair band could've caused an intestinal blockage. A previous cat of mine ate some ribbon (the skinny kind you can curl) and had to have (a very expensive) operation to remove.

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