Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where do they all disappear?

Hi all,

i have always wondered where do all small spoons,knives,hair bands and hair pins disappear? Every time i look in my kitchen drawer i find fewer spoons and knives..i do not remeber ever taking those out of my home,or throwing them away by mistake. The same thing is with my hair bands-i buy a new set every 3 weeks and days after half of them are misteriously gone!!

Has anyone else encountered the same 'phenomenum'?

Where do they all disappear?

I think all the spoons have run off to a clandestine school for cartoon characters. When I was a little girl, our Saturday mornings were full of dancing cups, saucers, and spoons ....singing, dancing happy jigs. Maybe it's a retro revival and high time; I'm sick of all the monsters and robots! I guess your hairbands have gone to detention school with all the wayward socks. Maybe they'll all come home, repentent, in pairs!

Where do they all disappear?

I would probably start looking where the missing socks went. lol

Where do they all disappear?

Its just like the mate to socks!!! There is a little goblin that thrives off the stuff!!!!!! lol

Where do they all disappear?

I think they are in the same place all those spare socks have disappeared to from the laundry....

Where do they all disappear?

Anyone with kids has experienced this rather bizarre phenomenon I think. Kids accidentally throw away silverware when they're throwing away their paper napkins or juiceboxes....and as for the hair my house...I have a cat that is obsessed with them! At any given moment, there are at least three laying on the kitchen floor....and a trail of them leading to my daughters room....

Where do they all disappear?

... you mean like the dryer that eats one sock? Oh, yes. Small items, especially, tend to disappear.

I imagine that when I get around to moving all the large furniture and appliances in my house I will find half of what I have lost - the others will still be missing...

Where do they all disappear?

Along with the one sock in the dryer after doing the wash.

I think it's a conspiracy with the makers of these items. Like after you have had them for a certain amount of time they evaporate, or something to cause you to buy more.

Where do they all disappear?

Omg god yes!!! Just got new hair elastics and head bands to match new outfits i got.

Still have the clothes but the accessories are gone!!! No one around me steals, and i hope when my brother visits he's not trying them on lol.

Same goes for the Sock Phantom. Goes in the dryer but never comes out lol.

I just bought a new bin for just hair thingys.

As for spoons etc...Check sink disposal or bottom of dishwasher other than that examine your guest before they leave if they need them that much, give out plastic utensil wear as parting favors instead of coffee time. lol

good luck

Where do they all disappear?

What about all those plastic container lids left without containers? and the single socks!

Where do they all disappear?

Yes. I have finally discovered where the missing "sock" goes: it ends up in a place called "the hoze-zone". I haven't located the other items yet.

Where do they all disappear?

We have "fork gremlins" and "hair band goblins" in our house that hide them all in the trash, in the couch cushions, and under my 2 yr old's bed!

Where do they all disappear?

hair ties I usually loose while out and about.

Forks, spoons and knives usually end up in the basement in my brothers room.

Where do they all disappear?

Sometimes I remove my hair band before taking a shower and put it somewhere without thinking, then I forget all about it. Maybe that's what happens to you. Same case with pins. Or sometimes they just slip from my hand and roll under the bed or somewhere.

Keep nice clean boxes for these disappearing stuff, make sure they're always full, and put them back neatly. Having a lid to the box helps.

Where do they all disappear?

I never miss spoons and knives, but I do miss very small items like hair clips and the like sometimes. I think we drop them and vacuum them up without noticing. And cats are good at putting stores of them behind and under closets, refrigerators etc too!

The source has a neat little text on where socks go...

Where do they all disappear?

Yes. My Mom lost some of her silver ware too. She had to replace a lot of it with the fancy stuff. None of us know where any of it went. As for socks yes we lost those too.

Where do they all disappear?

They are stolen by little fairies, sometimes called borrowers, other times called "underpaid help".

If you clean the house properly, under the chair cushions and move the couch, beds, and fridge etc (and clear out the cupboards) the borrowers start feeling guilty, and they hide them in one of those places you think you've already checked.

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